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Face of the Day: Eyebrows on Fleek

I love the feeling of cutting your fringe, grooming your overgrown eyebrows (fringe=low eyebrows maintenance) and drawing them carefully for the world to see. 

I pluck out half of my eyebrows in order to draw it higher. Drawing them on again actually looks natural, so no awkward super sharp black liquid liner for me. I also don´t really like the full grown bushy eyebrow look. Probably will make me look very Uzbek-ish like it does to my mom XD

I used a brown pencil on the beginning and drew the rest with a black one. I usually use only brown though.
I love how my eyebrows look

I can give you a smokey eye tip, if you are not tired of reading about smokey eye tips yet: smudge a little of black pencil on your eyelid, then cover it with a ton of transparent powder. It will not move, it will stay dry all day and won´t gather inside the crease and ruin your good mood.

You know what, here´s another tip: apply black eyeshadow on the lower lash line. It doesn´t smudge like pencil, and won´t look droopy after a couple of hours. Black eyeshadow will look dramatic enough on your lower lid, it also feels less heavy than pencil or liquid eyeliner.

Fun Fact: I actually say "on fleek" a lot. After I learned that this is what the cool kids say today it would make me feel very old not to overuse the expression...

Now to have my vacation at last! We are going to Copenhagen for a week on monday to see a dear dear friend. More adventures to follow as we get back.

Have a wonderful summer everyone!

N. Finsternis

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