Nandamuri Balakrishna, the actor who predominantly works in Telugu cinema, has raised many eyebrows with his controversial comments. The 61-year-old actor said that he doesn’t know AR Rahman and doesn’t care. “Once in a decade, he gives a hit and gets an Oscar award,” Balakrishna said.
He also made another controversial comment about the Bharat Ratna award. Balakrishna compared the highest civilian award of the nation, Bharat Ratna, to his father NTR's toenail.
How can a senior actor like #Balakrishna talk about Indian legend #ARRahman? Will people accept if a similar thing is being spoken by a Tamil actor on #Rajamouli?
— Troll Cinema ( TC ) (@Troll_Cinema) July 20, 2021
After his comments surfaced on social media, several fans reacted to the development. While many fans questioned his comments, others supported him.
Here are the reactions of some of the fans of Rahman and those of Balakrishna:
Using Balakrishna’s words about Rahman, film reviewer Subhakeerthana wrote that she also does not know who Nandamuri Balakrishna is.
I also don't know who #NandamuriBalakrishna is. — Subhakeerthana (@bhakisundar) July 21, 2021
Who is #NandamuriBalakrishna ?
First time heard about AR Rahman ji's related news.#nandamuri #balakrishna— BornTraveller (@hussainnellikal) July 21, 2021
Adding to the ‘Who Is Balakrishna’ trend, another Twitter user called him the first and finest product of nepotism in South India.
#whoisbalakrishna Balakrishna- South India's first and finest nepotism product... — syed fazil shariq (@syedfazilshariq) July 22, 2021
Another Twitter handle shared an image that talks about AR Rahman’s achievements while claiming that Balakrishna has done funny fight sequences and mentions some of these scenes.
Know Ur level first#whoisbalakrishna
— பூபதி (@mr_idiot07) July 21, 2021
A Twitter user named Karthik Raja said that Balakrishna may be a hero in the Telugu film industry but he has disrespected the legends.
#whoisbalakrishna Balakrishna may be a hero in Telugu flim industry but he is totally disrespecting other legends that he doesn't know AR Rahman and insulting the honors awards of our country please act as an matured person it is full of childish interview......... — Karthik Raja 1998 (@KarthikRaja1994) July 21, 2021
However, several fans of the Telugu actor came to his defense after ‘Who is Balakrishna’ started trending on social media. While some of his fans wrote about his cancer treatment initiative, others mentioned his political career to answer those who were asking ‘Who is Balakrishna’.
That is Balayya #NandamuriBalakrishna #LegendaryNandamuriBalaKrishna
— Nandamuri Abhimani (@ntr_chalapathi) July 21, 2021
He creates records not only by movies, but also in saving lives ❤️#NandamuriBalakrishna#LegendaryNandamuriBalaKrishna — Hemanth NBK (@HemanthNBK2) July 21, 2021
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