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Jeff Bezos and Amazon goes over a trillion in value under fake numbers of a hundred million Amazon prime members

Zachary Zuckerberg
 Jeff Bezos recently was declared a trillionaire by the business press so proud of Amazons supposed success and one has to be suspicious of any claim by Amazon and value of such as this. This is a company that for years had trouble making a profit as it became partly invested and used in a plot to destroy Americas traditional commerce and retail in order to give a leg up to foreigners and more land space for their scam of massive increase in restaurant ownership and food to be shipped form over-seas into America. The decline of Americas retail giant and increase of more than necessary restaurants is a trend that goes hand in hand and is part of the technocracy hijacking of all aspects of the America economy. The only success of Amazon can be attributed towards the goal of totally upending the entire American economy and tradition and in large blue cities that sit restaurant after restaurant this is the result of a disturbing trend and a march back towards a feudal society. It is easier to accomplish fraudulent money movement in food industries than actual physical product and storing of it
for sale and for the traditional outlets they had to much cost the advertisers were not able to get lowered in the books. Amazon will also offer contractors to ship its products and again where would be regulation and oversight to a massive program such as this that could be sued for other abuse and nefarious movement an d illegal trade? 
The internet and on-line giants wish to monopolize trade and sales through their platforms and Amazon played a big part in this as the spread of fake popularity and news made some join into this gravy train for the tech elites globally. I digress though and still in sit that Amazons' prime membership value is over-rated and bogus as are the suppose paying membership of some one hundred million people as in this day of age with accounting fraud and egregious habits and fidgeting of numbers
I doubt if they have ten million members around the world for this Amazon service. Advertisers give this man and his company such money because they want to have control of product and Why would anyone trust the numbers that Amazon gives out and this is a company  people should avoid as Bezos is a libtard that eats lizard and may indeed be a reptilian given his disdain for those people on the lower rung of the ladder fellow technocrats/internationalists  pushed to include him to climb a ladder. There is nothing Amazon has done that many other companies could not have achieved but in social media and on-line marketplace competition is a four letter word and creating these bigger than life beaurecrats of business such as Elon Musk, Jeff Bezos, and my brother Mark Zuckerberg gives an illusion of self-determination and capitalist entrepreneurial success though hard work instead of the nefarious business theft and action that take place under the covers. Jef Bezos is the psychotic book store clerk back in the day that has been rewarded so much power by fellow wealth hoarders and psychotics.

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