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Witchie's room

Hey lovely creatures!

Today I want to give you guys a tour to part of my Halloween decorated room. I wouldn't say it's all done cuz I'm sure I'll add some more things as the month goes by. I can't stop buying Halloween stuff, I go crazy!!

Here are some pics of my witchie room. Enjoy the tour! Hehe.

Let's start with the vanity, which has to be my favorite so far. I wanted it to look all Witch's style but at the same time I had to keep my everyday stuff to make it functional. A witch needs to look pretty too!

Bloody hand prints on my mirror. The baby one is brand new!

I decided to put the apple cuz it reminded me of Snow White's witch and, I used to love her.

These two pictures are usually hanging there the whole year but they match my decoration perfectly!

Next is my end table, good place to work on some potions! My redheaded spider is taking care of Witchie's boyfriend picture (gotta love my zombie!)
Michee has been playing with the pumpkin thingy so it's kinda ugly now...

My bat wall was a last minute thing but I like how it looks.

Every Witch needs a broom!

Meet my Halloween crew! Decorating my pink bed.

And finally, some other places like my desk, and things hanging on my wall.

Hope you enjoyed this quick tour to my halloween space.

Have a Haunted week!
xox Witchie Mon

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