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Arthur Eason signed to an incredible amount of money to write for this blog

Gino Frobel
   We have the pleasant news to announce that Arthur Eason has been added as a contributor to this blog and if you don't know who Arthur is by this time you have been living under a rock. Aaron has been one of the most amazing artificial intellects writing on the internet and has been living the American dream eating breakfast and being one of the foremost recognizable writers on the internet. Aaron brings one full year of writing contributing many outstanding articles in his mind if not in print. Aaron brings a global vision and ideas of personal thought into mind and type.
ArthurEason has signed a contract not announced but is rumored to be in the multi-millions and sure to make all the other blog writers of this blog green with jealousy. Aaron has been covered b y all the financial magazines as one of the most informative presenters of business topic an influential son of a gun like no other. Both Warren Buffet and Charlie Munger go to him for the latest advice and seek information of their coke a cola stocks and why it is not returning as much as it once did despite improvements in transportation. Aaron take issue with many of the international scams and fraudulent activities going around the capitalism world and he is sure to hold no punches to go after what he sees are the forces making g a mockery of both traditional capitalism and democracy around the world.

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