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Holiday glitter nails and the perfect base coat

Holidays are my favorite time to get out my glitter nail polishes and go all out with sparkle! Last year I showed you two of my favorite nail polishes and ways to wear them here and here. Since then I have come to a love and hate relationship with the textured lacquers out there. They look gorgeous, last ages and when they do chip you cannot really tell and you're decent for another day. Then you have to remove them, and here comes the monkey out of the sleeve (as the Dutch say). Removing glitter polish can be done in a few ways, the one I most prefer is using one of those dip-in container that you can find from Bourjois or Hema, like I showed you here. They contain a solvent soaked sponge, you dip your finger, rub for a minute or five and the glitter is mostly gone, then I go over it with an old school cotton pad and get all of it off. It is a long endeavor and it does annoy me quite a bit (no, I am not a very patient person). I might have just found the key to a glitter-full December when I discovered the OPI Glitter Off Base Coat.
With this little guy, I was able to bypass the removal issue as a whole. It is a base coat that peels off without leaving any residue bringing all the sparkly nightmare with it. The perfect solution! The OPI Glitter Off Base Coat goes on white and dries to a matte look withing one minute. It is important that it is completely dry before you move on to the next layer. To be honest it looks a lot like Vinavil Glue that I used to play with in elementary school. Then I just apply my glitter nail polish of choice (HEMA Glitter Top Coat 23 this time) and I am good to go!

The base coat doesn't grant a super long lasting power, of course, since it is meant to be easy to remove. It will give you a nice manicure for a day or a bit more, depending on how much you work with your hands. I personally don't mind this at all, since I love to wear glitter nail polish for parties and special occasions. And in any case, if I want a long lasting effect, I'll just use a normal base coat and deal with the removal afterwards.

Will you be rocking glitter nails this holiday season? What is your trick to deal with the removal?

PS. Don't forget to enter my Giveaway here for a chance to win makeup and skincare goodies!

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