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  • seek3r
    Apr 26, 12:51 AM
    Just so you know there are no military applications that benefit from this.

    Well, that's not true either, weapons modeling comes to mind for one, so does mapping and GIS work, nuclear physics, both modeling (though, like MD, most likely done on a cluster, not local) and post-process...

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  • MikeDTyke
    Feb 24, 06:57 AM
    I am a Apple Fan boy through n through. Well i like to call myself the MAC daddy haha!

    I have just come across the mac mini server. I want it!!! But not sure it can replace my current set up.

    In my garage, i have a Dell 390 workstation with 4 TB of space. I manily use this to keep all my movies, music, and media on. I stream my movies from it via shared drives to my WD TV Live box. Which i love... I use programs like, Vuse / Handbrake actually they are the most common apps i use. Eventually id like to be able to back up my external drives from my imac to the server.

    Just wondering if the mac mini server could replace that. As the Dell is power hungry, large and just plain ugly. But it does have 4TB worth of space.

    Could the mac mini replace this setup, and if so how?

    Are you talking about the mac mini or the mac mini server?

    if it's the dual HD server, then you won't get a built in DVD drive.

    Personally if you want to keep power down, i'd invest in something like a qnap TS410 NAS. It'll take 4 drives, up to 8TB and will allow you to protect the data by using RAID 1,5 or 6. You can plug your existing external drives into it. It has built in mac/win/ftp sharing, upnp, itunes sharing, iphone access and will draw less than 40 watts at peak usage. Then use your dell for ripping dvd's. I'm assuming it's a hackintosh if you are running handbrake?

    amazon linkie (http://www.amazon.co.uk/QNAP-TS-410-Server-iPhone-Streaming/dp/B002PML096/ref=sr_1_1?s=computers&ie=UTF8&qid=1298551987&sr=1-1)


    EDIT: just noticed your question to the other poster. This is indeed headless and can do bitorrent in the background.

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  • Applejuiced
    Apr 26, 03:11 PM
    I notice that too, not a big deal, just don't scroll near the video.

    I agree.
    Im sure people can survive without having to scroll with the pointer on the video:D

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  • flopticalcube
    Apr 19, 03:26 PM
    Sufficient would be the best you could say. A gaming PC will provide a better experience, at least for gaming.


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  • California
    Sep 23, 01:56 AM
    Get an HP instead. What's so great about Canon?

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  • ChrisGonzales90
    Jun 16, 05:16 PM
    Remember kids this is for college students.


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  • dfusion-
    May 7, 02:40 AM
    My Uptime - 12 hours :p

    Do you pay your electricity bill?

    Also that is one sure way to fry your Mac. Power surge can happen at any time.. Do you really trust those $100 surge boards for 24/7 use or do you have UPS.

    Also think of how much dust gets in there...

    Not smart to leave your computer on 24/7.

    lol dont worry about the electricity bill, the project pays it selfs :)

    but is it really bad for your iMac to leave it 24/7 ? :eek: discuss ?:D

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  • discounteggroll
    May 3, 09:33 AM
    I had an iPad (1st gen) and liked it to an extent. I "need" a computer with me at all times, and the iPad just didn't cut it for me. I gave that to my dad and got an 11" MBA with 4GB, and fell in love. I no longer have to carry the 15 MBP around with me, and the air is such a nice weight and size, and packs the same punch as it's bigger brother the pro with certain obvious limitations. I would go ahead and get a $25 USB DVD burner from newegg, and consider using USB drives or cloud storage as you mentioned. as far as iwork/office goes, if you are making these presentations and not distributing it to others, iwork would be fine. If others are giving you powerpoints and you are displaying them, you might want to get office to ensure compatibility.


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  • 4JNA
    Mar 4, 04:08 PM

    wondering if anyone other than me has specific reasons for folding. have not seen a thread or discussion, so thought i would ask. my reason is my sister that i lost to cancer, hence my id; 4 Joan N. A. i couldn't stand to do nothing, and this seemed like a wonderful way to do something and put lots of old hardware back to work at the same time.

    hope i didn't ask a wrong question. just curious.

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  • dejo
    Sep 7, 09:52 AM
    lance, dude, stay home with sheryl, relax...make some babies or whatever, and just enjoylife for a little bit...

    I agree. And while the process of attempting to make babies may be enjoyable for Lance (and Sheryl ;)), actually doing it would be a whole 'nother matter, since it would be a medical procedure.


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  • testcard
    May 6, 01:14 AM
    "Battery life is better" is the new "Safari seems snappier".

    These are the ONLY things Apple said about 4.3.3, so what are you people on about?

    Reduces the size of the cache
    No longer backs the cache up to iTunes
    Deletes the cache entirely when Location Services is turned off

    File under �Placebo Effect� ;)

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  • alecxx
    Jun 21, 01:34 PM
    does the battery works with ibook g3?


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  • resom
    Apr 7, 07:36 PM
    I really enjoyed it. Definitely kept my attention the whole time.

    If I had to pick apart anything I'd say the weakest graphic would be the rit dye packaging folding up at :33-:35 but I thought everything else was very strong and appealing.

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  • Littleodie914
    Mar 17, 05:42 PM
    Hey guys, I just started folding again after a long time off. I'm running the SMP bigadv client on my Windows i7 box, and I have a couple questions.

    First, I'm folding the P6901 (R21, C10, G6) protein, and according to FahMon, it's worth 552,139 points. Is this correct?! :eek:

    Second, at this rate I won't finish it. The deadline is in 94 hours, and I'm at 1%, completing a percent every hour and 20 minutes. (So I need 132 hours to finish it.) Task manager has all 8 cores at 100% on my i7-920, so there's not a lot I can do, is there a way to switch to a different protein, or should I just let the deadline run out?


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  • innominato5090
    Dec 29, 04:22 PM
    hum, I might be banal but I don't care: my iPhone 4.
    it helps me caught some cool pics & vids of my trip in Paris, in Rome and of Florence under an exceptional snow; it helps me keeping in touch with friends with FaceTime and it was very often my main source for infos & news, both @ home and abroad!

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  • AP_piano295
    Sep 18, 04:44 PM
    wow I thought you were talking about a car. :o


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  • ozred
    Feb 20, 04:42 PM
    I'm looking at upgrading my Mac Mini to 8GB of RAM (from 4). I checked out the Apple store (eeek, I know) and it was around $600 CDN for the 8GB of RAM!!!!

    Question, though...based on what I know of the type of RAM in the mini, I can purchase some non-Apple branded RAM form my local computer store for about $100.

    I know Apple is over-priced, but this is insanely over-priced.
    Apple prides itself at charging the highest prices of all.

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  • Doctor Q
    Apr 26, 05:46 PM
    The code to change videos to links in quote posts seems to affect still images also. Quotes in the DP forum swap the image with an link reading "image". Is this intended or not?

    It's intended.

    Auto-linking quoted images is another change we've wanted to make, and the time was right. The purpose is the same in both cases: to have a link instead of a video or image in a quote.

    If you think a video or image needs to be displayed in a quoted post you can edit it back to the non-link syntax. In other words, you can have it either way, but the default behavior has changed. Images embedded with TIMG aren't affected, at least for now, since small quoted images are less of an issue than large videos or potentially large images.

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  • edesignuk
    Aug 16, 12:31 PM
    Or- if you watch it for long enough, it will rotate 1,000,000 times!!!1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7....

    Apr 29, 09:51 AM
    Hi there ! I'm close on switchin' to mac, just waiting for mac mini refresh, meantime reading for macusers feedback. As i see, there is no normal audioplayer if you don't wanna use Itunes, and some issues with video files, such as mkv containers and others, flash content problems... People are forced to use unfinished enthusiast-made soft, which of course crashes and so on. I didn't hear that from mac users earlier! All they says - Mac is just work perfect in contrast with Windows PC. May be those comments about troubles are overblown !? :confused: Please, someone, tell me truth! i'm REALY still want to buy mac, but now started to doubt. i've got so limited budget, and don't want to miss.
    Sorry for my language, hope expressed clearly :(

    Very simple mac is great for music if you have a lot of cds and rip them with apple lossless to iTunes.

    Apr 8, 08:09 PM
    Sounds fishy. I'm guessing he will dispute. If you are 100% sure you sent him i5, I wouldn't let him try and fool you. If you have serial number you should be okay. But I have never come across this sort of "scam" before. Crazy. It's best to contact eBay and ask them what to do.

    Apr 21, 09:51 PM
    This is crazy DO these people really think this would work? Myself I know they are only thinking of themselves or their church or people who think like them. They can't possibly want everyone to have this law.

    Proposed Ballot Initiative Could Allow North Dakotans To Refuse To Follow Law On Religious Grounds

    CONTACT: (212) 549-2666; media@aclu.org

    BISMARCK, N.D. � The North Dakota Secretary of State received a petition today supporting a state constitutional amendment that could allow anyone � including employers, landlords and medical providers � to refuse to follow any law based on their religious views. Supporters of the so-called �Religious Liberty Restoration Amendment� claim to have gathered enough signatures to place the proposed constitutional amendment on the North Dakota ballot in the next general election.

    If passed, the amendment could allow people to refuse to comply with any law if they claim a religious exemption.

    The following can be attributed to Robert Doody, Executive Director of the American Civil Liberties Union of the Dakotas:

    �North Dakotans have a proud history of respecting their neighbors� right to live their lives according to what they believe, even if they do not share those beliefs. But this proposed amendment could lead people to refuse to follow virtually any law. It could allow people to argue that they have a right to abuse their children, refuse to hire people of different religious faiths or deny emergency health care.�

    The following can be attributed to Daniel Mach, Director of the ACLU Program on Freedom of Religion and Belief:

    �While all North Dakotans should be free to practice their faith, the proposed amendment goes too far. There are better ways to protect religious freedom without legalizing discrimination and undoing many long-standing laws that protect the public and ensure that everyone is treated fairly.�

    Did you know the ACLU is a Zionist anti-american based organization bent on destroying religous freedom?

    Jun 10, 05:19 PM
    What time do you guys think people will start to line up to buy the new iPhone 3G S, I know it Apple Stores will open their doors at 8 am on Friday, June 19th. This thread is for Apple Stores only, not AT&T. Post what time you think the first people will show up.

    Another question I had: At 8 am will Apple sell the iPhone 3G S at all price points, meaning people qualified for the subsidized rate can buy it, this I know is true, but will people paying the 399/499 be able to buy it, as well as the people who want to buy the no-commit at 599/699? I plan on buying the phone at the no-commit price so I want to make sure I don't get there and they say they are only selling to people who are upgrading or new 2 year contracts.


    Dec 26, 08:39 PM
    I've never had the chance to use their other support page. What's the big difference with this one?

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