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Review: May Lindstrom Skin The Blue Cocoon

May Lindstrom's Blue Cocoon was something I wanted to try for a long time, before finally deciding to take the plunge about this time last year. I initially hesitated mostly as it was complicated to get shipped here, but when I discovered it on a Norwegian online retailer, and on sale on top of that, I just couldn't pass it up. May Lindstrom's products are all organic, natural, free of most typical things you don't really want, and really high quality. I've previously used and reviewed The Jasimine Garden Botanical Mist ( here ), which I loved. The Blue Cocoon I think I may actually love even more.

The Blue Cocoon is, quite predictably, a blue balm. I say balm, but the texture is quite different to anything else I've ever used, and I've used quite a lot of skincare. May Lindstrom calls it a "beauty balm concentrate". It's reminiscent of coconut oil, or butter, in that it's a more solid texture, but as you warm it up it turns oily. I take a bit with my finger, gently warm it up between my fingers, dot it onto the different parts of my face and rub it in. The product is slightly grainy, so be careful as you apply it not to accidentally drop some of the product on the floor. Not grainy as in it will exfoliate your skin, I guess chunky is a better word to describe it. Sounds odd, I know, I think you're just gonna have to try it for yourself.

As I rub it in it melts and turns into a super heavy oil. It's not thick as I apply it, and it doesn't feel super heavy on the skin, or uncomfortable in any way, but it is very greasy and definitely not something I'd use for during the day. It's possible that if you have seriously dry and dehydrated skin this might be your skin saviour during the day, but for most people I'd say this is definitely one to use exclusively at night.

One of the best things about this is the whole experience of applying it. A big part of that is the smell. It smells incredible. It doesn't just smell good, like a lot of skincare do, it's a therapeutic kind of scent. It's so incredibly soothing and invigorating at the same time. I can't do it justice in words, you will simply have to use it to know what I mean.

When I use this I always take that extra time to enjoy my night time routine. I take deep breaths to fully enjoy the scent and almost massage the balm into my skin. It's an overall experience, just as advertised by May Lindstrom, and that would make it worth the price on it's own, but it makes my skin look amazing as well. 

By next morning my skin is always hydrated, plump, calm, radiant and overall happy. If my skin needs a boost of some kind, any kind, I use this. If my skin is a bit distressed, or if I am stressed, overworked, exhausted, anything like that, then I always use this and it helps both mind, spirit and my skin look much better by next morning, and by the time I go to sleep.

I tend to use an exfoliating toner before I use this. When I use it I use it in as both serum, eye serum, moisturiser and eye cream. It works wonders at all of the above. I would use it everyday, but it's such a fool-proof boost and saviour for my skin in whatever condition, that I don't want my skin to get used to it too much. I've used it pretty consistently, about 1-2 times a week, and I'm still not through it, so it lasts absolutely ages as well.

This is one of my absolute favourite, foolproof, go-to products that I now simply could not be without. I will definitely buy this again and again, and would recommend wholeheartedly that you also give it a try.

- Get it here (US) & here (UK) -

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