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Move over, mum! A year in the life of Harper Seven... our youngest (and poutiest) fashionista

By Claudia Connell

She's the chubby-cheeked style icon who’s travelled the world, attended two seasons of Fashion Week and has a wardrobe so full of designer clothes that her own father says it’s ‘ridiculous’.

Harper Seven Beckham, daughter of David and Victoria, celebrates her first birthday next week.

Here, with a little imaginative help from the Mail’s Claudia Connell, she charts her year …

JULY 17: Here I am at just a week old with Mum, who always dreamed of having a little girl to dress up in fancy clothes. No wonder she looks so happy (trust me, that really IS Mum looking happy)

AUG 7: I'm a month old and finding my fashion feet. This is my dad. He's worth £135 million but dresses like a hobo. I can't wait to give him a makeover

SEPT 4 (left): No, no, no! My first shopping trip and Mum puts me in a pram! I don't DO prams, I am to be carried at ALL times. I scream, she gets the message - and never makes the same mistake again.
SEPT 8 (right): At New York Fashion Week the models are all skinny, wear heels they can barely walk in and never smile. They really remind me of someone...

SEPT 15 (left): You know, a day in front of CBeebies would not go amiss every now and then, Mum. I love shopping as much as the next fashion-conscious baby, but twice in one week? Boring!
SEPT 16 (right): Another day, another shopping trip. I look as chic as ever - while Mum appears to be wearing the curtains from my nursery...

NOV 3: I often go to watch Dad play at LA Galaxy. This time Mum's invited along her latest best friend Eva Longoria. Apparently she's a Desperate Housewife. More like a Stepford Wife. How am I meant to tell these two apart? Hope I don't go home with the wrong one

NOV 13 (left): Jetting off in style to NYC. I’ve been working on it for weeks but finally I feel I’ve perfected my disdainful sneer. Well, I did learn from the best, after all.
NOV 15 (right): I love my girls' days out with Mum. We eat lunch, we get our nails done, we shop …  then we hide the receipts from Daddy

NOV 20 (left): We're at the footie, and I can't take my eyes off something my brother Cruz is eating called a 'chip'. Whatever can it be? I've never seen Mum with one - the only chips she knows are ones that come with pin numbers.
NOV 26 (right): OMG! I can't believe how badly we clash here. Stripes and checks? The shame! That's it, I want my own stylist

DEC 17 (left): My first Christmas and we're going to Beckingham Palace in cold, grey England. No wonder I look a little down in the mouth. I'd better get good presents to make up for it.
FEB 7 (right): Off to New York again for Fashion Week. Can’t believe I'm seven months old and Mum hasn’t designed a baby collection named after me yet. I pout and sulk for the entire flight to teach her a lesson

FEB 12: This is what happens when your mum allows your dad to get you dressed. Somebody is going to find themselves woken up at 2am, 3am and 5am tomorrow...

FEB 20 (left): At Cruz's 7th birthday party Dad puts me on his shoulders - much more comfortable than Mum's bony hips.
APRIL 23 (right): In China, Mum must think wobbling in heels will get me in a pushchair. She's so wrong. I’m far too posh to be pushed

MAY 13: Check the new shoes with ankle strap, check the new longer hairdo! Really I'd like extensions but Mum says I'm too young - she won't budge on the Botox either

JUNE 6: At Disneyland Mum and Dad buy me Minnie Mouse ears. I'd have preferred Cinderella glass slippers but I don’t want to seem ungrateful.
JULY 5: We're all off on holiday. Dad carried me at the airport - I haven’t let on to him and Mum that I learned to walk a month ago, for obvious reasons


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