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Modern day plunderer and Viking Felix "Pukedie pie" Kjellberg discusses his self-worth proudly boasting he is worth multi-millions

Jacoby Genevese
  In part two of our look at the international fraud of values for men of YouTube and the international globalist order we examine the sad case of Feix Kjellberg. The YouTube personality otherwise known as PewDiePie" is  Swede from hell and a source for illegal money going int his coffers and to be distributed later at some planned convenience for all parties. In no way should this silly jackass and what he has t offer the audio broadcast internet waves be allocated as some near billionaire. The discussions and topics Pewdieprick brings up are not even interesting to the teenage mind and monopoly money and the system has decided to push promote this clown and make the fake news claims he and his name is an asset of some value. One an say through this plunder of Pewie that he is a modern day Viking just without the gore and violence attributed to the sea faring terrorist organization form this mans home and back in the day. Pewds had the audacity of ridiculing the medias declaration of hisxworth saying they purposely understate his real value and says he is worth 112 million and not the 12 million stated.
   Pew Die Pie just l and offers nothing really interesting or comedic to justify the recent claims of this goose about making twelve million dorsal and basically waste of corporate advertising headed You Tubes  direction is at the discretion of this tech monopolist to distribute and allowed ways to spread. Somehow they declared this Scandinavian son of a bitch is worth twelve  million dollars every year for talking  ad playing video games and the whole system is unregulated and not subjected to explanation or relative examination 

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