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Me in 25 Questions

Hey everyone! I thought I would get this tag from Meghan as a fun way to get to know me, and for me to get to know you if you decide to do this survey. I guess I like these type of posts because they remind me of the (sometimes not so) good ol' times when I had Xanga or Myspace and posted every single survey, sometimes with an answer regarding a crush or an ex in a really cryptic way. I know I know, but my friends and I would laugh about it, and looking back, it's kinda ridiculous and funny. I do wish though I didn't delete my Myspace. I deleted my last one in 2010, which I had since 2005. I could've gone through my old comments, blog posts, and messages! And I had my first Xanga in 2003, when I was starting high school. I was able to take a peak back in 2010, but now I no longer have access to it, especially since I forgot the email and password. Anyway, here are the questions and I hope you guys participate!

1. What is your middle name? Eunice

2. What was your favorite subject in high school? Japanese, I took levels 1 and 2, I didn't really pay attention to my level 2 class during sophomore year because that was a horrible year and I wasn't at all focused. I did take it again my senior year. I wish I could've taken more levels because I know I would've been eligible to not have to take a foreign language class at college. It is an interesting language to learn. I hope to learn it again because I do want to go to Japan. I also liked Mythology and Creative writing.

3. What is your favorite drink?Coffee...yumm...I need the taste and pick me up, every single morning.

4. What is your favorite song at the moment? Right now it's "All I Need" by Mat Kearney, it reminds me of whenever Cecilio and I will take our engagement pics, but also because there was a Youtube video playing the song with an engagement pic of Mat Kearney and his now wife. (I can't find it) I feel like our love story is kinda similar to theirs, and his wife is sooo gorgeous! (a lot of commenters were talking about how weird her knees look though...weird) Here is the song:

5. What is your favorite food? I love Mexican! I am marrying a half-Mexican, half-Filipino. I also love Hot Cheetos and pasta.

6. What is the last thing you bought?At Walmart: Dream bones for the dogs, Hot Cheetos, Cheez-its, Peach candy rings, and ELF lip balm for myself, gummy bears and Jarritos (Mexican soda) for Cecilio, and then I ordered pizza

7. Favorite book of all time?I need to read more >_<; I know I know, I really enjoyed The Fault in Our Stars and It's Kind of a Funny Story, I did a book review here, and check out my TFioS themed playing cards I designed for a class project:
8. Favorite Color?I usually like pink or green, but right now I am obsessing over marsala/deep wine red. I know it's the 2015 Pantone Color of the Year, and I don't care, but it's one of my main colors for my 2017 wedding!

9. Do you have any pets?Aris(totle), a 3.5 year old Maltese/Rat Terrier mix (Ratese) and Flora, a 1.5 Maltese/Yorkie mix (Morkie). My blog name is dedicated to Flora.

10. Favorite perfume?Oh man I don't wear perfume, but there's a few I've been eyeing, I did have Clinique Happy and I really liked it!

11. Favorite holiday?Christmas! I love getting in the holiday spirit with the music, tree decorating (we always used real trees and I love the fresh smell, but last year we purchased our first fake tree), gifts, the holiday comfort treats, and getting together on Christmas Eve with our family (our tradition every year, and we open the presents at midnight, then on Christmas Day is really really easy and chill)

12. Are you married?March 18, 2017 (487 days to go, according to The Knot)

13. Have you ever been out of the country?Yes, I was actually born in the Philippines lol. I did go back last year in January. I have also been to Canada, France, Switzerland, and Italy.

14. Do you speak any other languages? Very little of Spanish, Japanese and Tagalog.

15. How many siblings do you have?2 sisters: Trixie (older) and Sarah (younger)

16. What is your favorite shop?Well this is a beauty blog so I am bound to say Sephora, LOL! For clothes, I like Macy's, TJMaxx and H&M. I need new clothes and to stop being so damn insecure about my body (which is why I've been taking a liking more to makeup than clothes)

17. Favorite restaurant? Hmm that's a tough one especially because I eat out a lot...I do love a lot of Mexican and Italian restaurants though.

18. When was the last time you cried? The day after my birthday, about being let go from that job, but whatever, let's just put that in the back burner, ok?

19. Favorite blog? I can't choose...I love you all!

20. Favorite movie? I don't have a particular favorite, especially because it's been a while since I've sat down and watched movies, but I did like Nick and Nora's Infinite Playlist! Well, Cecilio and I are going to watch Star Wars next month and I have to watch the whole series with him beforehand so I can understand it better

21. Favorite TV show?Family Guy, hands down. I also am a huge Anthony Bourdain fan.

22. PC or Mac?Once you go Mac, you never go back!

23. What phone do you have?iPhone 5C, but I want a 6 so bad

24. How tall are you?5'4

25. Can you cook?Yes, I just haven't in a while out of laziness and it's usually my mom who wants to be in charge of the cooking, although I need to suggest that I want to do so sometimes

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